Random Vents

Thursday, November 01, 2012

She's so not into......work

Today is one of those days that I really don't have the "umph" or desire to be at work.  Yea, I know that I need to be here, but I don't want to be here.  Even though there is a difference,it still boils down to I have to be here.  Oh well.  I'm sure a lot of it stems from the fact that the company plays favorites, and caters to specific individuals.  And, another part of it is the fact that my husband doesn't work here anymore, which for me, makes the day that much longer.  We worked at the same company for almost 2 years, and since he's gotten another job making more money, I'm lonely at work.  I miss being able to see him at any point.  Silly, yes, I know.  But, I love being around him.  Call me clingy or whatever you want, I don't care.  It's still a big change for me :)~  Anyways, guess I should "work" now...maybe more later...